Category Archives: Starting A Daycare Info

If You Build It They Will Come

Just like any business, there is basically one central event that will mean the difference between success or failure in starting your own customers. It isn’t a difficult issue to figure out either. You have to find customers. And for you, customers are parents who need a quality day care that they feel they can trust to put their children in as they go off to work. The title we chose for this article is a famous quote from field of dreams where the voice tells Kevin Costner to build a baseball field for ghosts to play on with the encouragement, ‘If you build it, they will come.” While that is an inspirational line, you need more than that before you take the plunge of building a day care center.

Starting a business is costly. Before you collect a dime of income from parents, you have to set up your day care center, pay licensing fees, hire workers, buy supplies and invest in many other ways so that when the doors of your day care open, it is a happy, professional and welcoming Continue reading If You Build It They Will Come

A Day Care Starter Kit

When you make the determination that you are ready to start the process of owning your own day care, the first thing to recognize is that you are not going down uncharted paths here. The steps you will need to take to set up your day care are pretty much cut and dried. And while for you each step along the path to finally turning the key and opening the door of your shiny new day care is an adventure, it is an adventure many have had before you.

That is why there are already a number of good day care starter kits available to guide you on the path. Probably the most useful thing a day care starter kit will give you is a check list not only of what things you wil Continue reading A Day Care Starter Kit

The Grown Up Work Of Running A Day Care

For anyone who enjoys working with children, starting a day care can be a fulfilling and rewarding career. Not only will you be doing what you love to do which is caring for the very young, you are making a good living at it. The size of the day care you start can be as small as hosting a half dozen kids in your home to running a big institution with dozens of kids. The size of the day care is something you have to decide based on what your objectives are as a small business owner will.

But notice that we used that phrase, “Small business owner”.  A day care is a business. And as long as you see that and don’t think of your new Continue reading The Grown Up Work Of Running A Day Care